Monday, February 4, 2013

Poker? I hardly know 'er!

I have a feeling I will be hearing that cheesy joke, a lot.

Why, you ask? WELL! It's because I have taken a serious interest in Texas Hold'em. Granted, my serious interest started because the Bar Manager likes it, and I wanted to be able to talk with him about it, and not look like a ninny...but it has turned into an interest all my own. I would say obsession, but I don't want anyone thinking I have a problem. Because I don't. I don't know why you would say that... *twitches a little*

As my interest grew I came to realize I know next to nothing about Hold'em. Luckily the Bar Manager was kind enough to lend me a couple of books, "Decide to Play Great Poker," and "Winners Guide to Texas Hold'em Poker," and offered to teach me a few things. Well, really, a LOT of things. He is an accomplished player, and has been doing this for over a year. He even has a blog! He updates about as much as I's that...
SO, with my Jedi in place, I was ready to be the Poker Padawan!

I am more like the Jack of Hearts...
The Bar Manager brought over a felt table top poker thingy (yes, that's its official title), a couple of decks of cards, and some chips. I thought I would be cool just learning, not nervous at all. Right. Because THAT'S how I roll. So as the panic attack started to ramp up, I tried to remind myself that this was just a game. Literally. Just a game. Cards. Chips. Bar Manager. Nothing scary. So, I was able to funnel some of that insane panic into insane focus instead, and then tried to soak in everything he was saying. Of course I had to learn the basics first, like what the good hands were, how much the chips were worth, how the "button" moved, blinds, why you shouldn't show other people your hand to see if you have a good set of cards (OK, maybe that one I already knew). It was sort of intense!
I took notes. I focused. I was not too much of a ninny...I don't think...and I learned a lot.

He assigned some homework for me to read various chapters in the two books, and sent me to a site to practice online. Then, he took me to the CASINO! WHEE!!! He and I had been once before on a sort of reconnaissance mission (well, that's what I thought of it anyway), so I was a little bit OK being there this time. I was able to get a chair and sit right behind him at the table, and watch him play. That was really awesome of him to do, that did so much for my confidence later on... The safety of being close to someone I knew, and the absolute no pressure to perform at all. The only thing I was "supposed" to be doing was sitting, watching, and learning. That was huge! I was able to keep from panicking at all really, and just soak in all the information.

I watched how others played, how he played, how to bet, the flow of the table, the flop, the turn, the river, the button, the blinds...all the things...and it was awesome! Taking what I had seen at the table helped me to understand the information from the books a little better. After that night I tried to retain as much of that information as I could, but I was exhausted! With images of suits dancing in my head, I fell asleep and dreamed beautiful dreams of winning.

There was less booze, otherwise it was just like this
I need Season Five. I NEEDS IT MY PRECIOUS
Since then I have read the homework. A couple times. I should just read the whole books, but there have been a few...shall we say...distractions in my life that have not been helpful to focusing on poker. Some were minor, like becoming obsessed with "Breaking Bad" for a couple weeks, others were a little more intense, like my Mother's health. However, in recent weeks I have been able to get back into learning poker, and it has been wonderful. Being able to focus on something like this game has really helped me to remain calm, and to focus on something other than the happenings around me. I am not saying that poker is going to be my end all be all, but it is nice to have something that drives me a little, something fun to think about and daydream about, that might turn into something more than that...with practice, my wits, and a little bit of good luck!

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